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Recently I’ve really been into crystals. I’ve collected fluorite, kyanite, amethyst and all types of quartz. As you probably know, crystals have many metaphysical properties and I’ve noticed that when wearing some of my crystal pieces interesting things occur. For example — a fateful moment with someone I haven’t seen in a while or an intense dream that heralds the future.

This necklace is made from natural raw crystal quartz and blue kyanite points.

Metaphysical Properties:

Clear quartz crystal is the universal stone and a pure and powerful energy source. It receives, activates, stores, transmits, and amplifies energy, stimulates brain functions and activates all levels of consciousness. It is excellent for meditation and brings harmony to the soul. Quartz crystals are often used for protection and modifying bad vibrations.

Kyanite is a stone of attunement and good for communication, mental and psychic awareness. It enhances telepathic communication and assists in lucid dreaming.

So…stay tuned for more crystal musings and jewelry!